Saturday, March 5, 2011

2011 I accept

Self Acceptance

I am looking at this point of self acceptance, this is seen on the individual level here in the human physical body as well as extending to the outer into the greater of, those around me and essentially all beings here. Even having one thought of another is separation which is not living who I am as life here. This is created and geared towards seeing myself separate from all beings believing myself to be inferior to most beings, and seeing that I am superior to those beings that i see in ways that are weak. These are being lived by myself because I am accepting and allowing separation through judgment and comparison of pictures and personalities I am encountering in my daily life. This has to be transcend because I realize that I am life here and I am one with all life. It is not an easy road because I have spent so much time and energy into boosting myself up based on defining myself by another, and thus living out the balance of this polarity within my always seeing my life in either good terms or bad. This is just a figment of my mind where I am accepting and allowing myself to separate who I am as all because I am not applying myself to stop. Stopping is key and continually stopping as the ebb and flow of this process being walked, no matter what - I continue to stop, push myself, and apply the tools given, as this life will not be here for me if I am not here.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting to separate my self from life here as me based on polarity play-outs I am living out as real life.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting to judge life around me in separation based on the beliefs I hold that life is what I see in pictures as polarities.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting to give myself away into the picture show I see through my mind eyes and not realize and live the actual real life here as physicality.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting to give my power away due to my addiction into energy.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting to not accept myself fully as what is here and manifested, and not take the time to sort myself out and direct life in what is needed to be done in self honesty, but continue to live in this polarity play-out.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting to continuously allow my mind to direct me when I first meet someone and thus go into a polarity stance of inferior/superior based on what is determined by me.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting to not be unconditional in this moment here as I walk life and thus separate due to my opinions and definitions held on to.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting to define myself by the outside.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to live within and as polarities as judgments.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to judge life here.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to separate me here from life.

I stop judgment and living in polarities, I am here as all as one as equal and I push to live this here as self.

1 comment:

  1. Very very fascinating! Before reading your blog, I read another one talking about the same topic, but from the perspective of pushing self to be 'strong'. I read your blog while considering stuff about 'strength' and 'weakness', and I was compelled to say to you that: 'don't be too hard on yourself on your path of discovering equality where "strength" and "weakness" used to stand'. But then I realized that it too came from a perspective, which considered 'superiority' and 'inferiority'. We discover how/if we are 'too hard on ourselves' through living in self-honesty - or facing the consequences of self-deception. Exactly like we realize our equality by being honest to ourselves and others by NOT participating in thoughts, feelings and emotions of 'superiority' and/or 'inferiority'. It is not something 'extra', it is letting go of the 'extra', lol. Very cool realization, enjoy discovering the living application thereof!
