Sunday, March 20, 2011

2011 Coffee - I am addicted

Hi....I just read a comment from Lindsay, a fellow World Equality Network participant, and she suggested I write out more on the coffee point I am looking at and stopping for 21 days. I have definitely in the mornings looked at it as a point to wake me up, and a dependency as I craved it a bit, like I needed a cup before I sat in my chair at work. I would say it's an addiction factor I am facing as I have been getting a cup in the mornings due to the coldness, the awakeness effect, and the yumminess of it. This separating myself from what is here as self with a cup of coffee, but feeding these ideas and thoughts of fulfillment each morning to grab a cup. So changing this to being here, stopping for a length of time to stop and transcend that apparent need I am living out each day, and actually living equal to the coffee as self enjoyment. Enjoying myself with and as the cup of coffee, feeling the tip of the cup on the tip of my mouth, each sip of warm coffee as it goes through my mouth and into my throat, and feeling the warmth throughout my physical body as it fills up with the hotness of the coffee. It comes back to physicality, bringing myself here to the physical as what I am actually doing, not living in my head trying to fulfill ideas about what coffee can give me. But being in breath and living what I am actually doing in each moment that is here, to live and express the enjoyment of life as myself, in this case a when I drink a cup of coffee.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting to separate me from coffee as the physical substance that moves through my mouth into my throat and thru my body as one and equal to me.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting the idea that I 'need' coffee to wake up.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting the idea that I 'need' coffee to keep warm.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting the idea that I 'need' coffee to fufill the craving I am allowing each morning.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting to be directed by ideas of what coffee is thru my mind and thus miss me as physicality actual drinking the cup of coffee.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting to be directed by thoughts of the yumminess of coffee and thus miss the enjoyment as self as the coffee within the moments I am drinking it.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting to separate me here from the physical act of drinking coffee because I am in my mind thinking about the fulfillment I just received from coffee.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting to separate me here from myself thru the mind.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting to miss myself here as the breath of life.

I stop all thoughts of separation towards life here as me.

I stop being directed by ideas of needs I hold on to of coffee.

I stand here and realize I am one and equal with what is here as physicality, and I enjoy life as me in expression in breath.


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