Saturday, February 5, 2011

Process Support- Assistance from Sunette on Facing Conflict Blog

Sunette Assistance Post:
Garbrielle wrote: "Actually, I have really seen and understood the reason why I hesitate to go into conflict with others and it's due to fear based on how I have experienced my past with humiliation from others and how I hold on to those feelings."


Within what you're facing as conflict as the Moment, is the following:
Conflict "bring out" suppressed manifested unconscious energetic layers that has been hidden from self over time that has not been faced / dealt-with or directed.
And, so - what one actually fear within conflict is facing self, facing That within self, self was initially afraid of facing, that has been suppressed and looming in the back of one's consciousness - always there, experiencing it to be there but keeping it hidden within the belief, that - if you continue ignoring it; it'll go away.

Unfortunately - reality doesn't work that way, it's existing here as you within and as your human physical body, and keeping it suppressed only prolongs the inevitable of you facing yourself as it.
So - instead of continuing compounding the fear of facing self as all those suppressed unconscious mind-layers one has accumulated, is to approach conflict as follows:

To approach it, face it within and as the understanding that = whatever you experience emerge within you, is you; and that it's coming-up cause you're in the moment of experiencing conflict in reality - exposing the suppressed manifested-consequence of/as inner-conflict that you've layered within yourself as energy. 

So, please - it's not to create conflict deliberately in your world, that's just Ego and Superiority Mind-Games. But to consider not walking in Fear of conflict, cause you're then in essence submitting to the fear of facing one's own inner conflict.
And, to - when a moment of conflict arise - not give in or run away from this moment to face self, but stand through it - experience and see and so face self within self.
Then - through writing, walk self through the points that emerged internally; then apply the self forgivenesses to release the energetic possessions and stop self within them and so ready/prepare self to stand-up and strengthen self in /as one's living in reality.

And as you continue facing you within conflict, stopping, standing up and directing you within the points that emerge during the conflict - you'll find you'll become more stable in conflicting situations - cause, your inner-conflict suppressions have been dealt-with and faced and in that, you've become stability-'manifested' in/as the physical and then you'll see the real nature of conflict = you always only fight yourself; however this is a point you have to realize for yourself.

So - stop the fear of self, walk through conflict and see, stop and direct.



Today, I got some assisting feedback from Sunette on the forum, I would like for my blog tonight to go through what was written and write myself out a bit. 

Sunette Wrote: "Conflict "bring out" suppressed manifested unconscious energetic layers that has been hidden from self over time that has not been faced / dealt-with or directed. "

"Unfortunately - reality doesn't work that way, it's existing here as you within and as your human physical body, and keeping it suppressed only prolongs the inevitable of you facing yourself as it."

Yes, this is cool support as I have suppressed so much in my life that has occurred that I have not dealt with. When I was a kid, whenever I was abused traumatically, I would completely just bury it within me as it was painful to 'think' about as I had no real direction on how to deal with it. I wouldn't tell anyone or come to any healthy conclusion as how to deal with it so it was easiest to just bury it deep within and not have to deal with it or have it effect me for that moment. But as Sunette wrote, it will always come back to be faced here you can't hide from yourself, it will come around eventually.

I suppressed this pain and fear because I didn't understand how to deal with it, and I used the suppression as a coping mechanism. This is why I am so grateful for this process because it is an understanding of first who I am within this, not allowing separation due to fear of not facing me. Second, understanding that I am the source and solution to stopping this fear from holding me back from facing the inevitable, my accepted and allowed nature as fear and suppression based on fear.

So as Sunette mentioned bringing it back to self, within these layers of suppressed emotions that I describe in my last blog, I stop from fully participating and thus standing in my world due to fear. This due to my accepted and allowed belief of myself, feeling not worthy/inferior to others and living this as self, facing others, and before process started starting from the starting point of not being equal/worthy as another. This also would be compensated by myself based on my accepted and allowed nature of judging others based on there physical pictures. From this judgment deciding within myself if I am inferior based on my judgments in comparison with the picture in my head I held on to as a comparison point, and from there would decide if I would go into the superiority or inferiority personality. Within this polarity play-out of inferior/superior, I would either be 'superior' and dominate others/situation or go in to inferiority, suppress, and thus shut down/hide due to my accepted and allowed belief based on the judgment's I hold onto of myself and thus the comparisons I would live by. I would live my life in this cycle of dominance to complete shut down really unable to function at certain times.

This has been much of my life in my world, and so it is cool support and makes it simpler in a way to see all as myself, as my world/the people in my world are showing me how and what I am existing as and thus giving me the opportunity to stand or not. This a statement of self of who I am here, and thus making no compromise but what is best for all based on the lived understanding of being one and equal to all life as myself and thus within this accepting that I am here as all and thus the creator of all that is here as me. Starting with my immediate world here, so I am walking this understanding into living application.

Sunette Wrote: "So, please - it's not to create conflict deliberately in your world, that's just Ego and Superiority Mind-Games. But to consider not walking in Fear of conflict, cause you're then in essence submitting to the fear of facing one's own inner conflict.
And, to - when a moment of conflict arise - not give in or run away from this moment to face self, but stand through it - experience and see and so face self within self.
Then - through writing, walk self through the points that emerged internally; then apply the self forgivenesses to release the energetic possessions and stop self within them and so ready/prepare self to stand-up and strengthen self in /as one's living in reality. "

Yes, cool and clear support thank you....fear I am realizing is a point that need to be transcended as it is something that is what it is. For a long time, I didn't want to face the fear of myself as it seemed so big and so much, and thus would give up before I would even attempt to do so. But through writing, applying self forgiveness, facing my world, and growing in my stand over time, I see and have lived the validity of these tools and thus I will continue to apply them until it is done.

Another point that I would like to share and realized after writing last night is that I have got to slow myself down and work on one prominent point at a time, as I generally try to work on many points at once, and thus delude the application because I am not being specific enough. This I will start to apply more, as I have seen it in my writing from times before, but have still allowed this multi-point application to delude my application a bit. So working with slowing myself down, and pushing this point now of stopping fear and standing within all points that may come up.

With conflict, I see it as fear needing to be stopped based on my self judgment, so will take all points here suggested into consideration, and apply myself seeing myself within all points that come up in my world, being self honest, stopping any points of self-compromise, and directing in common sense for what is best for all. This is to stop these reactions, fears, and 'hellish' type existing from directing me, and so I direct myself so I no more will be moved by outside influence/reaction. So will continue to report and be more direct, specific, and in a slow down manner so I can see more of me here as I am facing.

Thanks again for your continued support here throughout all the post you share Sunette, much appreciated. And all those that continue to stand, push themselves in self honesty, and share themselves for all to see and be assisted. Very cool place to be, and I am grateful.

Assistance based on this blog:

Facing Conflict

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