Thursday, February 10, 2011

My First Guitar Lesson...

Today, I had a guitar lesson, it was the first one at that and a long time coming. I have been meaning to do lessons, but never found the time or money to be able to do it. With school, I had some money to take the lessons so I did, and the time slot fell in to place, so it worked out. I am enjoying the lesson so far as I got the basic understanding of the what is what in the cord setup on the guitar, and how to play the basic notes and tunes.

It's funny within my life, I always looked at music, drawing/painting, art, creative expression as not as cool as what I was doing within being an athlete. I judged those that did art and musical type hobbies as dorky and uncool, and that I was so cool because I could play alot of sports. I prided myself on it, and the fact that I was 'decent' at it, and also I 'luved' being able to compete with guys and be level in ability usually with them. This for me was the basis on how I viewed and judged myself seeing myself as inferior or superior based on how well I did in sports, and living this out as a basis of how I saw myself.

Now that I have realized that the way I looked at life and others was 'faulty', and how I missed so much opportunity for growth and expansion because I limited myself based on my thinking and the ideas that then formed of what I believed as judgments and opinions, all being fleeting and unsubstantial. Withinn music itself, I really enjoyed hearing the music, the different sounds and how they all synced together, the tonality of the voice and how melodic and flowy it sounds, and the lyrics bringing the whole piece together into a song, it really is an awesome creative tool and enjoyment for all those that participate in it, but I stunted myself in this expression because I had an opinion and judged my outside world. So now realizing that my lack of acceptance and openness to others has accumulated, and now with guitar having to start at the beginning of my creative expressions has been a wake up call in a sense because I am seeing and living out the accumulative separation I have caused based on things that aren't real. This is a cool time tho, I have the opportunity to learn a new 'hobby' and once I get more in-tune use it in my expression as life. To get to a satisfactory point within self, any discipline takes a lot of 'physical' work, practice, perseverance, commitment, and patience, so cool to take this on within guitar as I am with process.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting to judge sports as more cool then those who chose to do creative things.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting to put myself on a pedestal in my 'mind' and thus see myself better then others based on the picture i had of who I was and what I could do in terms of playing sports.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to see myself as more superior then other beings because I could play sports 'better' then others I compared myself to.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to compare myself to those who I saw in separation in judgment.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting to constantly be competing to be the best and win in all that I did.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting to base myself on whether I was winning or not.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting to judge myself as less then if I lost.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting to get angry if I lost or was losing.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting to take my anger out on others as aggression within sport matches.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting to be extra hard on my sister in summer league if she was playing 'bad' in my eyes, and thus would be 'bitchy' towards her.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting to take my anger out on others because I don't want to face the dishonesty within me of what and how I have accumulated myself and thus I forgive for allowing and accepting anger at others as a means of hiding and escaping my actions.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting to base myself in sports and how I performed in them.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting the polarity of better/least within and as me.

I stop this polarity of separating myself into seeing and living myself out as better or worse, it is not real, I am here one and equal to all as me.

I stop competing with myself.

I stop anger and take responsibility for myself.

I stop self judgment and judgment of others as myself in ideas and opinions I hold onto.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting to hold onto opinions and ideas about who I see as better or worse.

I stop all opinions and ideas as I stop the polarity of better/worse.

I let go of comparison and realize I remain.

I breath all of me here, walk as myself as all as one and equal, live in humbleness and change where I see what is best for all, and live.

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