Monday, February 13, 2012

2012 Porn and Sex...Straight On

Porn and the porn industry is a degradation of the human ability to live within and as equality and oneness as it is a mind fantasy  world that is created through desire by images that aren't real and never can be fulfilled, but engulf the addict within the ever encompassing thrill to fulfill this thirst for more and more stimulation as they lust over the act of sex through mostly dominance and sadistic means as is rapent throughout the porn material.

I watched a documentary last night on the effects that porn has on the behavior of society towards women, this mostly being of the male population and how it creates an effect of objectification of woman that underlying is accepted and allowed within our world and cultures. It's interesting as these points of objectification of human life is seen and known by all as it is all over the place, tv shows, mtv, music videos, movies, magazines, ect., but we as a people accept and allow this to continue really without question. This being impulsed and lived out by showing that women have to dress and look a certain way to be accepted within society, jobs, social events, and other world happenings as well as that men are more powerful/valued as we see with mostly all major leaders in our world being men, job wages discrepancy between men and women, and the basic 'stereotypes' that are held within the two geneders. For example women who are young, attractive, big boobs, and big butt, are more likely to move up then a women who dresses like a granny and who is not seen as sexy based on the desire of the man (usually) who hire the female as he can fantasy and be stimulated through her image. This is never discussed and never openly admitted, but all women know and realize that sex sells and the more sexier you are the more likely you will be able to move towards the goals you set out for yourself in this world = gain more money to survive.

Now this is also a point that the women of this world have to take responsibility for as we walk in these shoes of allowing and accepting to play this role, where we get glammed up and sexified so we can be beautiful and sexy for our men, or to get a man, or to keep men happy, or to get a job. It's a game and we play the role with the perfect picture and the suggestive clothing, but I have realized that it's time to stop and consider what impact this is having on ourselves and our children. Do we understand, and more importantly do we care of the impact of extremely sexually graphic and rather raunchy and demeaning sex videos and images are available to be viewed with the click of a mouse is to the viewers who are watching them, where there is little to no regulation of the internet. What are the implication of a 10, 11, 12 year old boy who are first discovering and realizing themselves as sexual beings, come upon these videos of men demeaning and dominating women that porn perpetuates. Do we as parents and/or adults actually know or realize at all for ourselves what it means to be a human physical being, do we discuss or share what it is to be truly self intimate,  self accepting, and exploring our sexuality within joy and trust with a partner. Why have we not raised any points of understanding to what in the world is going on with the world and this obsession to have sex. And all the while within the way we have been living within our reality, we are only fucking ourselves. Do we have any idea and understanding of what sex is?

Within what is able to be viewed on the internet and what is considered porn, humanity has a long way to go, we have devalued and degraded the sexual act to be a product to just get off on and have no identification to the being that is actual in the film being degraded and abused. The viewers of these images, especially children, end up being programmed by this as they are allowed to view them over and over again, and eventually believe that it is ok to treat women as an object, call them sluts, and see them as a means to meetend, to get a jerk off. This industry in it's entirety is not supporting any being, it is a base for masturbation to images and fantasies that are not real. Real intimacy and sexual expression is with a partner who are open and self honest, in respect of each other, treating each other as equals, and supporting each other to become human beings that do what is best for all within this reality. We as a society within our media and entertainment outlets should be alarmed, I mean these are showing huge red flags flying, that something is seriously not ok with the way we are functioning in this world,  for the sake of the children and our future, stop the absolute disregard for human life, and support a system and a world that respect all life. How we live HERE, is creating the future of our existence, this is not a game here, we are deciding our fate, life is more then a jack off, it is more then a rush. The porn industry is about business, it is more lucrative currently then hollywood productions, so when there is profit involved as within all industries in this current system, we will see nothing is off limits, all is able to be sold and they will do what it takes to make all that can be made, this including the degradation and disregard of human life.

Equal money system will stop all of this by not accepting and allowing any form of industry to profit on human life. Life will be seen and lived equally. We will live by living principles that are real and can be tangibly seen, life is equal and thus within all of what we live, this principle will be upheld. Life is one to all and all life that exist is part of this one thus every being is included and considered. Nothing less then the absolute consideration and respect for the dignity of all life to live in freedom of expression is what the equal money system will fulfill. Money will not define who is able to live in decency and how live a life of hell, humans that accept and allow life to be devalued through accepting money as profit to drive them, will stand at the end of the line and lose their right to equality as they are not willing to give it themselves. This will be a give and receive system, all beings being held responsible for who they are and how they live, and all beings being responsible to live these principles within and as self to thus stand as the utmost potential within the purity of who we are as life beings one and equal. Sex will be part of life and an expression of self, where self will create a stability within accepting who they are and embracing self within intimacy and giving it to another equal and one, to enjoy who we are as living beings in whatever that brings forth....enjoy and investigate the equal money system.

For more on the Equal Money System, check out the book:

                                 Click Here for the Equal Money Book- The Future of Money


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